Over the years, I have sold and helped design over 500 post frame buildings across Western Canada. Here are a few tips I’ve learned that will help you with your project.
1. Approach prospective builders as if you’re hiring someone for a job. Start with a series of questions to make sure you’re comparing apples to apples when you get quotes. There can be big differences in how a building is constructed, materials used and labour expertise that can affect the price and outcome.
2. Develop an outline of what you want out of your building. An experienced salesperson might be able to lay things out in a more efficient way by first seeing what your needs are on paper.
3. Materials really do matter. Remember, your building is only as good as what it’s made of (and the crew who puts it up, of course). Are your posts tightly laminated in a manufacturing plant? Are they treated throughout? Is your metal going to last? Whether it’s a farm, ranch or commercial, your building is an investment and you want it to last and look good for as long as possible.
4. Talk to other customers. Go and look at their buildings, find out how the crew performed, if they were satisfied that problems were dealt with quickly and in a friendly way or, if they had to wait for service (and how long).
5. Never underestimate the importance of a skilled, disciplined crew. Enough said.
6. Don’t rush the job. Compared to other methods of construction (steel, wood frame), a post frame building doesn’t take long to erect. Be wary of companies who sell “speed.” We believe it’s worth an extra day or two to invest in your building versus rushing out to the next job leaving you holding the bag.
Because at the end of the day, it’s your building, not ours. We want you to be completely happy. That’s why our buildings are consistently priced competitively, we give you quality materials, and real service. Why? It’s just the right thing to do.